onsdag 1 april 2009

wednesday 1 apr 09

"a simple cal makes
makes my day almost
complete 4 me,as
wel as a txt away
of hi wod be fine,
i'm sory im jst like

"i'm sorry... i love you."

"i'm sorry mahal ko. i
didn't mean 2 b lyk dis.its
jst nsanay kc aq 2 tek care
problems on my own &
not aking 4 help. And by
dat nka2limutan q ang tao
close 2 me. Promise inde n

mauulit. Pls 4give me
mahal. I love u so much"

"mahal, i'm sorry... Pls

forgive me, pls take my
calls. I love you"

"Hi, kata2pos q lng ng wrk.
Pauwi n aq. I'm free
2morrow if u wnt 2 chat.
i'm so sorry, i didn't mean
2 make u cry. i love you so
"Mahal sori i cnt
take ur cal nw im n
da medel of bulshit
meting, i love u so

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