onsdag 1 april 2009

i'm sorry

i did it again...
i'm SO SORRY, again.
i didn't mean to...

it's just...
God, i don't know what to say to make everythings better.
i kept saying i'm sorry, so many times...
and yet, it's not enough, i know.
i feel so guilty and ashame of my self.
i can't believe, i made you cry this time, again.
i'm SORRY.
i woke up this morning, a bit stressy. i had an hour to get ready to work and to catch the train and the bus. i intended to call, but since my time got so tight, i decided to make the call later on. it's my first day of the new job, and i get so intense every first day of work, and so it happens that i forget stuffs and people. the sun is up today and it's such a nice day, until i got a call. the one i forgot to make. i could have sent a textmessage, but i didn't. i don't know why i didn't come up with it to do it. stupid me! i was thinking on the other stuffs when i was on my way, concentrating on how am i gonna get my self out of it. ...?
i didn't mean to take my beloved for granted. i hate myself right now, for being like this!
i got out of work early, trying to call him up, but he didn't answered.
i sent 2 textmessages and recieved no replies.
i'm so down.
it's a lovely day, but i'm feeling down.
Mahal... pls call me back? i'm so sorry.. :(

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